Don’t you wonder why your dentist asks you about your general health every time you visit him? At Smilekraft Dentistry, Dr. Priyank Mathur is particularly keen to know if you have diabetes or heart disease or any other medical concern which could affect your dental health. So what do your teeth have to do with your dental health?
Poor oral health can put your overall health at risk. Without proper oral care, bacteria builds up in your mouth and reacts with sugar and starch to form toxins that decay your teeth and infect your gums. This could result in inflammation known as periodontitis.
Though not completely understood, there is a link between heart disease and gum disease. Up to 91% of patients with heart disease have advanced gum disease. According to studies, people with gum disease are two times as likely as others to die from a heart attack and three times as likely to have a stroke. This is strongly linked to inflammation.
Ongoing inflammation in your mouth can also allow bacteria to enter your blood stream. This may lead to severe infections in other parts of your body, such as your heart and kidneys. Poor oral care makes it harder to control blood sugars in diabetic patients and can actually predispose you to having diabetes.
People with diabetes, heart disease or a family history of these conditions should be visiting their dentist every 3 months. The key to a healthy mouth is to understand that there is a link between what is happening in your mouth and the rest of your body.
If it has been six months or more since your last visit to the dentist, consult Dr. Priyank Mathur at Smilekraft Dentistry today!